Saturday, May 3, 2008

Biking in the Rain STINKS!!!

Today was a bad day. It should have been a good one. A long ride on the back of my honey's motorcycle is something I truly enjoy. But... I confess, I am a "fair weather" rider. I like the sun to shine, the road to be smooth and the temp to be warm. Today this was not the case. And on a normal case I would have declined the ride. But today was the "Run for the Son" CMA ride.
And so I sucked it up, "Put my big girl panties on " (as they say now... who started that anyway?), and got on. Big mistake! It started out OK but it was overcast and chilly (strike 1).There were 9 of us on the ride, 2 cycles and 3 trikes. The road started out smooth but as we continued they got rougher and bumpier (strike 2).
At 1pm all CMA riders across the country stop the ride to pray. It is an awesome thought to think of christian bikers all over the country praying at the same time. (That was cool!) We continued on and stopped to get a bite to eat at a Seafood restaurant. We were all pretty hungry and the food was great (as well as the company!) When we came out of the restaurant it was RAINING! (AGH!! Strike 3). We still had at least an hour left to ride home. Now we have been home 4hrs and I am still COLD!!!
Now how do I end this on a good note? Hot coffee, a warm house and a movie are good!
Good night!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Sorry your biking in the rain was "stinky"! We decided that our bug convertible is our answer to a "bike"'s sporty and fun but we have some protection between us and the road! :o) You have both so you go girl!

Let us know if/when you hear any news from Faith. We continue to pray for her and "baby what's his name".
~Bonnie ><>